Dear parents and caregivers,
Welcome to term 4! As you will have read, in my letter to the community last week, we have a very busy few weeks ahead! All of the children have returned to school happy and ready for engagement in learning, which has been pleasing, and the weather is beginning to warm up. Dare I say it…..Christmas is coming!
There have been some significant events and activities already this term, which have given life to our community.
Sports Day
Last Monday’s Sports Day was once again a resounding success! Congratulations to all the children, who participated with great energy and spirt. Special congratulations to the Gold team and the Blue team who took out the trophies for the day. I was particularly impressed with the year 6 Team leaders. I was a part of their presentations to be appointed and have watched them flourish with the responsibility of leading their teams into competition.
My sincere thanks to all of our staff, and in particular Mr James Daley and Mr James Goldy, who meticulously planned and oversaw the entire event. As an old PE teacher and Sports Coordinator myself, I have a keen appreciation of what goes into hosting such an event!
Sincere thanks also, to our wonderful P&F sports day committee for arranging a special lunch for the children, and coffee for the adults!
I am very much looking forward to next year’s event!
Master Plan
Last Tuesday, we hosted our Architects-Stallard Meek Flightpath-for wide ranging consultation sessions designed to inform the implementation of our new Master Plan for building developments. Representatives of all members of our school and parish community were invited into the process, and the information shared was rich and varied. Our next meeting with the Architects will be on Monday 8th November – I can’t wait to see what they will have for us!
Communications app coming!
After an engaging presentation last week, we have decided to engage the services of Schoolzine – a community engagement platform that will allow us to engage with the community in a contemporary manner through the use of a simple communications app – yes, there really is an app for that! We are in the early stages of app development, and I look forward to sharing this with you in the very near future.
Community picnic and carols
I am excited to inform you that we will be hosting a community picnic and carols evening this year! These types of events had to be cancelled last year, and it is fantastic that we can come together again this year, to bring the year to a close. The event will be held on the school oval on Friday December 3rd – please add this date to your diaries-there will be further information to come!
Interfaith day
On the first day of this term, our staff engaged in a day of inter faith reflection consisting of visits to and prayer with members of the Jewish, Sikh, Buddhist and Moslem communities at their places of worship. Our staff came away with a deepened appreciation for their own Catholic faith, as well as the connectedness with other faith traditions. Nurturing the faith of our teachers and staff is an important part of being a catholic School community. My sincere thanks to Helen Wilson-Smith for her organisation of the day’s activities.
Have a great week everyone!
God bless,