Dear Parents, Caregivers and Students,
We have reached the half way point of the term already! All classes continue to work hard and learn new things, and I continue to be impressed with the levels of engagement amongst all classes. Over the past couple of weeks, I have had the chance to closely engage with a number of class groups. This week, for example, I enjoyed listening to presentations based around persuasive texts, with our year 4’s as they attempted to convince me that they should be allowed to continue their 1km run! Needless to say, they were very convincing and so then run will go on!!
Last Monday I had to privilege of accompanying Nives Kresevic, as well as Sienna and Xavier from our year 6 group, to the Cathedral, as we celebrated 200 years of Catholic Education in Australia. You can read more about that later in this edition, suffice to say I was very impressed with the way the children represented our school!
Isla, from our year 6 cohort has been very busy of late. She decided a few weeks ago to hold a bake sale to raise funds for the Australia and New Zealand Sarcoma Association to honour her grandfather who passed away in June. She also set up a Go Fund Me page for anyone who wanted to donate but couldn't make the sale.
All up she has raised over $1100 so far! She had to do so much planning etc to pull it off. She created a flyer and delivered it around the neighbourhood, planned the menu and worked out the cost of ingredients, shopped, baked, etc. As a school community we congratulate Isla on her endeavours to make a difference in our world, with a local act of compassion-well done Isla!
Our Reception and year one cohorts have been enjoying the opportunities of learning beyond the classroom, with recent excursions to the Zoo (Reception) and to the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre Warriparinga (Year one) The weather was kind to both groups, and by all reports, these excursions were rich and rewarding learning opportunities for the children! My thanks to all teachers, and parent volunteers for their work in enabling these excursions to take place.
With the recent COVID outbreak occurring in Melbourne, we are reminded to be vigilant with our Social Distancing, hygiene etc. I would also ask all families visiting the school to ensure you check in each time you visit. In the hopefully unlikely event of an outbreak in SA, this will enable contact tracing to be effective. If any families have travelled to Melbourne recently and are impacted by the current restrictions, please let our office know ASAP.
The Christ the King parish is gearing up for the celebration of 60 years in the Lockleys community! This also coincides with the school being established, and as such, we will be actively involved in these celebrations, which will be held later in the year, on September 12. There will be more information about these celebrations over the coming editions of the newsletter. In the meantime, if there are families who have memorabilia they think could be relevant to these celebrations, we would be delighted to see it!
While on parish life, we look forward to some of our students receiving the Sacraments of Confirmation and First Eucharist during June. Receiving these special Sacraments means these children are more intentionally and actively a part of the Catholic church!
A reminder to all families of our Pupil Free day, to be held on Friday June 11. Our OSHC service will be providing a fantastic ‘Harry Potter’ themed day for families and I encourage you to register if you require care on that day.
As a school community, we offer our sincere condolences and prayers, to Mr James Daley and his family, who recently lost their grandfather, who is now in God’s care.
Have a great week everyone,
God bless