Dear families,
We are nearing the end of term 2, and everyone is looking forward to a well deserved break! I am proud of what we have been able to achieve in the first half of the year, and of the resilience of our staff and students.
As previously mentioned, student reports will be sent home at the end of week 10. I encourage you to read and discern these summative reports, and to make time to follow up with your child’s teachers, into term 3.
Last Wednesday, our year 4 students and their families gathered to celebrate their Confirmation. In our catholic tradition, there are a number of stages of initiation into full participation in the church. The journey begins with Baptism, followed by Reconciliation. Confirmation is then followed by Eucharist. It was a wonderful celebration, and the spirit of God was strongly present in our children and families. My sincere thanks to Mrs Angela DeNadai, our APRIM, who worked in close partnership with Fr Michael Trainor our Parish priest and Joan Walsh our Pastoral Associate in bringing the celebration to life. Oure fantastic year 4 teachers, Chantal Driver, Christie-Lee Hansberry and James Goldy, did a great job of preparing our candidates and they all shone on the night!
Over the past few weeks, the Leadership team has been meeting regularly with our Architects, Stallard Meek Flightpath, to develop the design concept for stage one of our Master Plan. We are at an exciting point in the development of this process, and hopefully you will have seen our recent Facebook post highlighting this work. As we enter into semester two, families will hear and see a lot more about the development of this building program-there are exciting times ahead!
Next Friday, our transition students will ‘graduate’ in readiness for commencing reception in term 3! This is an exciting time for these children and their families, and we can’t wait to welcome our 20th class, in term 3! Sincere thanks to Ms Diem Savy for her leadership of the program. Diem will become a full time member of our teaching staff once term 3 commences.
Our talented year 6 band will take part in the Nazareth College “Battle of the Bands” next Wednesday evening. The children have been rehearsing regularly in recent times and they sound awesome! My Thanks to Olivia Bozzon for her leadership of the band program.
Over the next few days, some of our year 5 and 6 students will take part in two competitions-The Crows Cup and the “Westies Cup” football competitions. We wish all players every success, and thanks to Mr Daley and Mr Goldy for bringing these opportunities to life!
The last day of term 2 will be Thursday July 7. On Friday, our teaching staff will continue their professional learning in implementing our Literacy program, based around the Science of Reading, before going on a well-earned holiday break!
Have a great week everyone.
God bless,