Dear families,
We are fast approaching the end of term 1 and the important celebrations for Holy Week. As part of our Catholic tradition, Holy Week is the final week of Lent and is the most important and significant week of Catholicism. It begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Holy Saturday, the day before the celebration of Jesus’ Resurrection on Easter Sunday. It’s an important week of prayer, reflection, and gratitude as we contemplate the agony Jesus endured for us and the hope of the Resurrection. During the week, our children we commemorate Palm Sunday, Holy Thursday and Good Friday with prayer and reflection. Upon return to school after Easter, we will celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. These celebrations are central to the catholic faith, and have significance for all people. My thanks to Angela DeNadai for her work in preparing us for these celebrations.
I congratulate our year 4 students who have been preparing for the Sacrament of reconciliation, which was celebrated this week. This is the first of the Sacraments of Initiation being celebrated this year, with Confirmation and First Eucharist to come, later in the year.
Term one has been a time of significant learning – for the children and for our teachers, who have continued to focus on aligning their teaching practice with what cognitive science tells us is the best way for children to learn to read, write and be numerate. During 2023 we have been particularly focussed on the development of our Maths program. I am always impressed with the alignment of practice I observe in my regular classroom visits. I am also impressed with the focus and engagement of all learners in this process! My sincere thanks to Sarah Battistella (Literacy) and Corinne McKenzie & Cheryl Milde (Numeracy) for their leadership in these areas.
As we head into term two, our progress monitoring schedule will provide us with opportunities to reflect on progress data and to fine tune our classroom teaching to ensure best outcomes for our children. As part of our regular reporting cycle, parent-teacher interviews will be held for all children in year 1-6, during the week beginning 8th May (Reception families held their interviews recently). This will be an opportunity to reflect on progress made and to refine goals for the remainder of the term, in preparation for end of Semester 1 reports. Please keep an eye out for the interview booking form to be sent home.
Our P&F met recently, to discuss events for 2023. I am grateful to Terri Sparrow and Trish Cannon, who have volunteered to co-chair the P&F this year. One of their first initiatives is an Easter raffle, which you would all have heard about by now. We are still on the lookout for donations for raffle prizes, and they will be drawn on the Tuesday following Easter. Thinking ahead to term 2, Mother’s Day celebrations will be held on Friday May 12-stay tuned for further updates.
We are finalising our enrolment for 2024. If there are still families who have a sibling commencing school in 2024-either at the beginning of the year, or mid year, please contact Andrea Brown ASAP, to allow us to properly prepare for transition. Additionally, if you know of families interested in enrolling at St Francis, we can still accept places for 2024. Encourage them to contact the school soon!