Dear parents and caregivers,
I can’t believe that there is only one more week left for term 2, before we hit the half way mark for 2021. I have thoroughly enjoyed my first term as Principal at St Francis. We have a wonderful community and there is much to be thankful for! I very much enjoyed and appreciated the recent opportunity to meet with families to hear of their hopes and dreams for our school, moving forward. I have also been meeting with our fantastic staff, and am looking forward to some intentional chats with our students as well. All of this information will be vital as we put together a new strategic plan for school developments in the latter part of this year, and I am looking forward to being able to share both a new strategic plan and a new Master plan for building improvements by the end of this year! It is an exciting time to be a part of Catholic Education and St Francis and I look forward to sharing the journey with you!
As we come to the end of Semester one, you will receive a summary report of your child’s progress during the first part of the year. I have been reading through each report and it is very clear to me that our teachers know their students very well, and can describe their learning progress very well! You will receive your child’s report next Thursday, which is the last day of term two. Families are encouraged to make time to follow up the report, with teachers, and we have set aside week two of term three for these meetings. Please liaise with your child’s class teacher as appropriate.
Over the past three weeks we have been welcoming our brand new reception students, who will commence school in term three. We will have 20 new starters next term, and I am delighted with the interest shown in this intake of students. As previously advised, we are planning ahead for 2022 and 2023, with numbers already very strong, so if you either have a sibling child we don’t yet have an enrolment form for, or you know of families interested in our school, please contact Andrea Brown ASAP.
There are a number of activities planned for the last week of term, and early term three. Our year 5 and 6 students will compete in the Catholic Schools Netball Carnival on Thursday. My thanks to their teachers and to Mr James Daley for organising the event. Swimming for years two and three will commence next week as well. Swimming is a very important component of the Australian Curriculum, and all children are expected to be involved in these lessons. Living in a country like Australia, being able to swim is a vital life skill that provides a healthy outlet and can literally safe one’s life!
To celebrate the end of the term, there will be a Cookies and Milk special lunch day on Thursday-orders can be made via QKR!
Next term during the first few weeks, the P&F will be running a Chocolate Drive to raise important funds to contribute to the purchase of new reading resources for our receptions and year ones. I ask all families to participate in this fundraiser, and support our young learners……all the while enjoying some chocolatey treats!
I ask all families to be mindful of the residents who live adjacent the school – particularly on Arcoona Ave. I have had reports of groups of families congregating in the driveways of private residences, causing the residents some concern. Please consider waiting for your children on the school side of the road, or being aware of where you stand while waiting. Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
I wish to inform the community that Ms Leanne Cappo-long serving member of the St Francis community, has resigned from her position of ‘Director of First Impressions’ (Front Office Administrator!) Leanne’s association with our school community goes back to the establishment of the school in 1965, and over the years she has been a student, parent, volunteer, and employee. Leanne has been a much liked and valued member of our community and we sincerely thank her for what has been a lifetime of commitment and involvement. While we are very sad to see her go, we wish her every future happiness and success.
God bless everyone,